I often get told “You must have so many beautiful images of your children”. Ahhh…well I do…like a million..but they’re all on my phone and most include a whole wack of snap chat animal filters on them. Sometimes I feel pretty guilty that I don’t take out the big camera more often. Most days the camera sits in the bag until the next client shoot.
Every year around summer/fall we fly back home to London, Ontario and have our family photos taken. It’s the one non-negotiable for me! It takes the guilt out knowing that once a year we are covered. We’ve used Hilary from One For the Wall since Ellerie was one! We skipped one year and so wish we didn’t.
It’s so amazing to see how much our children have changed over the last few years. Once a year I’m actually in the photos with them. Believe me, I don’t always want to. I’m still working on losing that 35lbs I put on with Ellerie but I don’t let it stop me! I want my kids to see how much we loved them and feel my embrace in the images long after.
These photos aren’t just for you!
These photos are not just for me, they’re for our children. Do you think my kids will care what I looked liked? No, they won’t care at all. We’re the silly ones hung up with our own vanity. Heck, I’ll probably think I looked good in these photos 20 years from now.
Sidenote: did you know that portraits of children hung up in the home boosts their self-esteem? It’s true. Studies show it’s beneficial for kids to see themselves as a valued and important part of the family unit. My kids love seeing our photos displayed. Ellie will even ask where she was when the photo was taken if there’s one without her.
I will preface this and say, it’s not always easy to get out for photo shoots. With getting the kids ready, yourself and dressing your husband (haha) it can get quite hectic. Our most recent shoot, Patrick and I bickered the entire way there. Then we had to suck it up and pretend to love each other in front of the camera for the hour! haha
It felt so chaotic trying to keep my 2 year old from running away from the frame. Despite that, once the images are delivered I’m always blown away how many great shots we get. We always look so loved up! 🙂
Looking back at theses images over the years, you forget the stress of the day getting out of the house, you forget the arguing with your hubby, you just look at those beautiful smiling faces and you melt into a big pile of mush because ‘this is us’ and you want to live in those captured moments forever.
So here it goes! Our family legacy since 2014 starting with our most recent shoot.
2018 Family Portraits

2017 Family Portraits

2016 Family Portraits

So we missed photos in 2015 because things got busy like they always do but darn do I regret just not making it a priority and getting them done. We did do a family video around the time so it’s a pretty good replacement at least! Check it out HERE